utrs logogram

Rehabilitation to Provide Drinking Water to the Township

East Stroudsburg Dam

East Stroudsburg Dam Spillway

WPA-era dam, long on a list of those most worrisome to the state, gets a second life.

project details


East Stroudsburg Borough


Monroe County, PA


The East Stroudsburg Reservoir at the headwaters of Sambo Creek is a massive, 302-million-gallon Depression-era reservoir in Middle Smithfield Township that supplies drinking water for the borough of East Stroudsburg. The reservoir and accompanying hand-built, 50-foot-high by 800-foot-long dam were built in the 1930s under the federal government’s Works Progress Administration (WPA) program that employed people during the Great Depression. Fun fact: highlighting our long-term ties to the region, the dam’s original 1934 design drawings were by Edward C. Hess, P.E., a founding partner of what became RKR Hess, the forerunner of UTRS’s Civil Engineering Division.

State regulators had their eye on the Monroe County dam for some time and had placed it on a list of the PA’s second-most worrisome dams. The dam was considered a high potential hazard because of its size.

UTRS Civil Engineering provided dam rehabilitation design services, including overtopping protection, spillway replacement and repairs, drawdown system repairs, and stabilization measures. We also designed a half-acre wetlands replacement site, prepared state grant and loan applications for the project, and managed payment applications.

Civil Engineering Services Provided

  • Design
  • Consulting
  • Permitting
  • Construction Observation

Design Elements

  • Modifications to the existing dam and appurtenances
  • Erosion and sediment pollution control
  • Grading
  • Access
  • Staging areas
  • Drawdown siphon
  • Drainage system flow monitoring stations

Dam Stabilization Measures

  • Installation of pre-cast concrete revetment mats for overtopping protection over the entire downstream embankment and the new stabilization berm
  • Installation of several foundation drainage wells
  • Spillover protection provided by more than 95,000 square feet of articulated concrete blocks to cover the dam’s original surface
  • Toe drains
  • A blanket drain
  • A 15-foot high earth stabilization berm
  • Rehabilitation measures including:
    • Replacing outlet gates, stems, and guides
    • Replacing the intake structure
    • Extending and re-aligning the outlet pipe
    • Replacing the spillway channel and training walls
    • Repairing the weir

Wetland Replacement Design

  • Prepared permit applications and plans for approval, including:
    • PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Dam Safety Letter of Authorization
    • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for stormwater discharges
    • Erosion Sediment Pollution Control (ESPC) Plan

Financial Assistance Coordination

  • Prepared a PA H2O Grant application
  • Prepared a PennVEST Loan application
  • Managed payment applications

East Stroudsburg Dam After Remediation

After remediation

East Stroudsburg Dam after remediation

Dam before remediation

Before remediation

East Stroudsburg Dam before remediation

Dam during remediation

During remediation

East Stroudsburg Dam under construction during remediation

LVASCE meeting members tour the East Stroudsburg Dam

Lehigh Valley American Society of Civil Engineers Tour

Members of the Lehigh Valley American Society of Civil Engineers (LVASCE) tour the dam

2012 LVASCE Project of the Year Award Winners Presentation

LVASCE Award Ceremony

Members of UTRS Civil Engineering (then RKR Hess) receiving the 2012 LVASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

2012 LVASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

LVASCE Outstanding Achievement Award

2012 LVASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award


Dam dedication plaques

The original 1936 WPA construction plaque and the 2012 Rehabilitation Project plaque

Full Screen Image

For this project, UTRS’s East Stroudsburg Civil & Environmental Engineering office (then called RKR Hess) was honored with the 2012 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award

American Society of Civil Engineers

Lehigh Valley Section